Well, it seems that the general consensus remains that the Leyendas de Guatemala are a bit difficult to decipher and follow, and they definitely take a long time to read. That being said, it is true, in my opinion, that while the legends are lengthy, they allow the reader to explore Mayan culture and it's influences on Guatemala.
While these legends have probably been passed down through generations verbally, which means the legends have probably changed a bit through time, they retain obvious Mayan influence which can be seen in the almost worship of the morning, the evening and the night. "de la manana a la tarde, de la tarde a la noche, de la noche a la manana" seems to be a constant theme which is repeated continuously throughout the stories. I found this to have a connection to the idea of the changing worlds of reality and magic. The magic world comes to life at night, while reality is set in the daytime. Dusk is the transitional period. It seems that the author is attempting to reenforce the idea that both of the worlds rely on each other to truly exist, as do day and night.
There is also a very well defined connection made between these worldly forces, nature, and the people. Caculcan continuously repeats "Soy como el sol!", which I took as a literal reference to said connection. It takes a connection with all of these forces for the world in this story to function and to maintain order.
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I enjoyed your insightful metaphors about the theme of day, dusk, and night. I agree that this could be referring to magic and reality...perhaps then Calcucán's character is the 'magician' of the story, as he changes the time of day (by being the sun), but also he creates magic from the reality. To get really corny, you could say that this magic is simply the miracle of each passing day (awwww!) ....sorry.